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Bot for giving public points to people for doing good things


You're probably seeing this page because someone +++'d you via the Stellarjob Twitter bot. This means that the sender thinks you did something great and wants to send you a +++ point.

To accept your +++ point, do the following:

  1. Create a Stellar account at, if you haven't already.
  2. Trust the Stellarjob bot to issue you the made-up currency +++. You can do this by entering your username and password on this page (the credentials are never sent from you browser), or by making a curl request as shown below.

Note this project is largely a proof-of-concept. It should largely work, but please forgive any bugs or features that need fleshing out. (Feedback welcome!)

Sending your own +++

Just send a tweet of the form: @stellarjob +++@thegdb cool bot!.

You can use the following button to get started:

Setting trust manually

Run the following curl command, substituing in your secret and address. For convience, you can optionally paste your values into the provided text inputs.

(Show me where to find my address and secret.)

curl -X POST  -d '
    "method": "submit",
    "params": [
            "secret": "<USER_SECRET>",
            "tx_json": {
                "Account": "<USER_ADDRESS>",
                "LimitAmount": {
                    "currency": "+++",
                    "issuer": "gfqoKMeMX6fYzB3xHfs8Le751eQ52YzSkb",
                "TransactionType": "TrustSet"

As an aside: you need to trust the Stellarjob bot for exactly the amount shown. This allows the bot to correlate your Stellar account with your Twitter handle.

Setting trust automatically

(This part is just a mockup; it doesn't actually work yet.)

Note: your password is just used locally for cryptographic operations and will not leave your browser.